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How to use board games as a customer acquisition tool to lure customers in and build brand loyalty.

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

Despite the fact that online games have had a steep growth globally, tabletop games such as chess, monopoly and poker still won the race. Notwithstanding that monopoly and chess are over a century old, why do these games refuse to take a backseat to the phenomenon and threat that online games suggest? Further still, while both forms are being utilized in the workplace, there are three key reasons why tabletop has the upper hand to lure customers in to build brand loyalty.

1. The social interaction factor. Playing games face to face is a valued need for many users because it strengthens relationships but injecting or utilizing a company's story and brand message as narrative within the game, might seem radical or ridiculous at first, but it is for sure wildly strategic. Many companies are taking advantage of this new trend in customer acquisition. If your customers are playing your game over and over again, learning about your story and services while at play, chances are, it's you who they'll remember to buy from. You will never go out of style. Those fun memories never dissipate. In addition, the competition, negotiation, communication and teamwork required is a whole other advantage tied to being social.

2. Learning opportunities for your brand. It goes without saying that if a tabletop game exists about a company's message and story, the game will be an opportunity to learn about the brand and build some kind of allegiance to it. Tabletop games can easily incorporate educational elements that challenge its players on the reasons for choosing a particular brand and service, acknowledge concerns or misconceptions. Basically, putting any confusion about a brand to rest.

3. Brand loyalty keeps customers coming back. Tabletop games utilizing a company's story and brand message is a strategy for repeat business, positive word of mouth referrals and a competitive edge on the playing field, due to this loyalty factor. The brand presence is an enormous benefit keeping customers top of mind when it comes to your offering because your brand is now a habit.

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